Bendy Wiki
Bendy Wiki

I came up with most of these myself, though not all of them. I think they're pretty funny, so I thought I'd share. Just a quick heads up, this is in the "the whole game is a movie or something" universe, and not in canon.  Also, these are listed mostly in the order they go in the game.

  • The audio from the audio logs is said live for filming (usually by the person who’s in the audio log), then added in post; it becomes a contest among the cast to get Henry/whoever’s talking to laugh the most 

  • The Ink Machine just stops halfway out of the hole 

  • The changing picture doesn’t move at all 

  • Henry dropping the objects multiple times; the inkwell breaks at some point 

  • The mechanism for the Bendy jumpscare breaks and it just falls flat on the floor 

  • Henry gets so startled by the projector turning on that he trips on the step and falls 

  • The drainage system for the theater doesn’t work and the ink gets way too deep 

  • Bendy accidentally breaks the boards when he reaches for Henry 

  • Henry trips on the giant pipe in the hallway leading to the Ink Machine 

  • The trapdoor doesn’t open, and the exit door isn’t made to be opened, so Henry just slams into the door 

  • The axe isn’t where it’s supposed to be 

  • Henry tends to break any instrument he touches, whether on purpose or by accident 

  • The lights in the Music Department don’t turn on 

  • Most of the searchers are just CGI so the any fight is the most boring yet hilarious thing you’ve ever seen 

  • The giant stack of crates and barrels in the pool room collapses 

  • The crew can’t remove the Bendy cutouts from the stage fast enough so when the camera pans over to the stage they all just freeze while holding the cutouts 

  • During the fight on the stage, the crew tries experimenting with using real people as Searchers using a trapdoor in the set, but they told everyone except Henry, so when one popped up Henry fell back and broke a chair, then knocked over a bunch of music stands and the drum 

  • The lever doesn’t open the door to the sewers 

  • The chain for the pallet breaks and everything on it spills onto the floor. Wally and Thomas just sigh and start fixing it 

  • Jack forgets his queue to sink down the first time Henry sees him, so Henry just grabs the valve and bolts 

  • Sammy was the one who came up with the finger wiggling during his speech; the first time he does it the entire crew bursts out laughing 

  • “Rest your bed, it’s time for head” 

  • The rig for the ink puddle coming out from under the door accidentally goes off in the middle of Sammy’s speech 

  • When he notices he just points at it and says, “That is me” and continues 

  • Henry forgets to close the door after being chased so Bendy tries to go through but hits his head on the doorframe 

  • Alice films it and turns it into a “Wasted” meme 

  • Boris forgets he’s supposed to roll the bacon soup can so he just yeets it out of the hallway and it almost hits a crew member 

  • Alice can’t break the glass and needs help getting out 

  • The same thing happens with the Piper behind the poster 

  • Half the time Bendy forgets he needs to make a portal and smacks into the wall 

  • He also doesn’t chase Henry when he should sometimes 

  • The ink dial machine things break a lot 

  • Henry and Alice actually get along well so most scenes between them are hilarious 

  • The Projectionist forgets to warn everyone how loud his shriek is so Henry and the crew member manning the boom mic get their ears killed 

  • The elevator crash is filmed with a green screen so it’s just Alice yelling, Boris cowering, and Henry running around 

  • The pulley actually breaks when Henry is halfway across the chasm 

  • Alice’s mic breaks in the middle of her monologue 

  • “And he referred to me, the great Bertie Piedmont, as Bertie! Wait-” 

  • It’s pretty common for the carnival games to break so someone has to get Lacie and Bertie so that Wally and Thomas can help fix them 

  • The Bendy animatronic disappears one day during filming. It’s back in its place the next day. Nobody knows who moved it 

  • The Butcher Gang messing around with props while the camera’s rolling 

  • The Projectionist dodges one of Bendy’s punches and falls down the stairs 

  • Norman’s head doesn’t actually come off (they use practical effects), but it looks so real that it freaks out most of the crew the first time they film the scene 

  • The sound system breaks during Bertie's speech 

  • Normal Boris pops out instead of Brute Boris 

  • Since Boris was previously thought to be Wally, he keeps saying “I’m gonna kill ya!” like he does in the Bendy Royale trailer while they’re filming the Brute Boris fight 

  • Alice trips while running out to kill Henry 

  • Allison keeps missing Alice’s chest with her sword 

  • In one take she hits her head 

  • Alice doesn’t really get stabbed; they use a trick like the one in Beetlejuice when Lydia stabs BJ 

  • “I don’t know my name. So they call me Allison-Alice, dangit.” 

  • The boat breaks a lot 

  • Sammy hits the boards so hard that they fly off 

  • Tom misses when he goes to hit Sammy; he probably hits Henry at some point 

  • The board doesn’t break so Henry just walks across 

  • Everyone gets lost in Administration. Even the set designers. Nobody is safe from it 

  • Bendy trips while walking past the glass 

  • Bendy doesn’t transform into Beast Bendy 

  • When he does, he tries and fails to smack Henry through the wall 

  • The reel doesn’t play 

  • Joey’s little pocket dimension doesn’t work and there’s just a wall when Henry opens the door 
