Bendy Wiki
Bendy Wiki
"On the plus side, I got a new character I think people are going to love."
- Henry Stein
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Simmons is the personal driver to Joey Drew, and the one responsible for influencing him to write his memoir, The Illusion of Living.


Based on the introduction to The Illusion of Living, Simmons is unfalteringly loyal to Joey, acting as a sort of caddy-chauffeur. His speech patterns mainly consist of working-class Brooklyn slang, hinting that he may have come from a working class background. Joey Drew describes him as being a deep thinker, as well as “a good fellow”, and a hard worker.


Influencing Joey[]

Having picked up Joey from a luncheon, Simmons escorted Joey through Fifth Avenue, during which Joey saw a storm brewing from outside, and then people gathering, asking about the idea of Joey writing a memoir, which Joey was reluctant to even contemplate at the time, but when Simmons voiced his confusion, in response to Joey’s refusal to write his memoir, assuming the aforementioned bystanders were referring to Joey’s personal life in general, when in fact they were referring to his outlook on life in general and his philosophy, which Simmons told Joey, much to the latter’s surprise.
